Interpreting Services by Premarketing

Premarketing offers a range of interpreting services, including simultaneous, over-the-phone, and consecutive interpretations, fostering effective communication with authorities, public institutions, and business partners.

We exist in an interconnected world driven by commerce and technology, where interpreting services break through linguistic and cultural barriers. Through our interpreting services, you can seamlessly communicate with state authorities or public institutions in different countries or while operating abroad.

We bring expertise and professionalism to ensure smooth and efficient communication in multilingual and multicultural environments. By facilitating dialogue and eliminating language barriers, we empower you to communicate confidently and successfully in any international setting.

Are you in search of professional and dependable interpreting services? Whether you need remote, on-site, or over-the-phone interpretations, we can assist you by providing the right professionals and equipment. Our certified interpreting services cater to various needs, including visits to notaries, banks, courts, or doctors, engagements with public authorities, or drafting contracts with your business partners. Our specialized interpreter teams deliver professional simultaneous or consecutive interpretation services for events like conferences, training sessions, workshops, business meetings, and more.

Our interpreters boast extensive experience and rigorous training, specializing in diverse fields such as business, medicine, technology, law, and more. Irrespective of the event's specifics, we have language experts capable of delivering accurate and precise interpretations. With nearly 20 years of experience in such services, we stand prepared to assist you in organizing your event successfully.

Contact us today to find out how we can support your initiative.

We’re ready to provide interpreting services whenever you need them.

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The key to a wider audience

Simultaneous Interpretation

The process of simultaneous interpretation stands as the cornerstone for reaching a broader audience! It represents a complex and vital undertaking in today’s globalized world, where international interactions and communication among individuals speaking different languages are increasingly prevalent. Simultaneous translation or interpretation services involve the instantaneous translation of a message or speech from one language to another, providing participants with the opportunity to communicate in their native language. Typically, simultaneous interpretation occurs at larger events such as international conferences, diplomatic meetings, congresses, and other situations where swift and precise communication is paramount.

Several skills are indispensable for successful simultaneous interpretation. Interpreters must be bilingual, possess a profound comprehension of the speech's content and context, process information rapidly, and deliver a fluent and accurate translation in real-time. Unlike consecutive interpretation, where the speaker pauses after every sentence or two to allow the interpreter to translate, the simultaneous interpreter maintains pace with the speaker by actively listening, analyzing, and translating in real-time.

Need simultaneous interpretation services for your event? We have the right solutions!

All you have to do is send us a request and we will get back to you as soon as possible with everything you need for simultaneous interpretation services.

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Communication without limits

Premarketing Remote Interpretation Services

At Premarketing, we leverage state-of-the-art technology to establish virtual connections in real-time, enabling you to engage in interpretation sessions with global experts without the necessity of travel. Whether your preference lies in videoconferencing platforms, teleconferencing, or any other solution, we adeptly tailor our services to suit your preferred environment.

Our team of remote interpreters comprises bilingual professionals with extensive experience in remote interpretation. They specialize in delivering precise and fluent translations instantaneously. With diverse specializations, we offer remote interpretation services across various fields, including business, medicine, technology, and culture.

By opting for remote interpretation, you eliminate the need for travel, thereby reducing associated costs and conserving time and resources. Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI), tailored for online events, has evolved in response to recent shifts in our work and lifestyle paradigms. As we have become accustomed to remote work setups and organizing online events, such as conferences, business meetings, courses, and team-building exercises, RSI becomes indispensable. Whether it's a small-scale gathering or a complex large-scale event, all you require is a dedicated RSI platform and our team of adept, experienced interpreters to seamlessly assist you online.

Why Choose Our Remote Interpretation Services?

  • Access to bilingual experts from around the world.
  • Adaptability across various platforms.
  • Flexibility in scheduling.
  • Secure solutions ensuring data protection.
  • Time and cost savings.
A solution within everyone's reach

Consecutive interpretation

At Premarketing LLC, we boast dedicated project managers and a team of interpreters with extensive experience across diverse fields. This enables us to offer precise and authentic consecutive interpretation services for your speeches, events, and business meetings across various industries. Understanding the uniqueness of each event and client, we tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, ensuring customized solutions for seamless communication.

Be it corporate meetings, cultural events, or international conferences, our consecutive interpretation team stands poised to deliver high-quality services in any setting. Consecutive interpretation demands meticulous preparation and precise note-taking to ensure an accurate and comprehensive translation of the speech. Our team is committed to ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Recognizing that consecutive interpretation encompasses more than just words, but also involves conveying the speaker’s tone, intention, and subtext, our interpreters strive for authentic message delivery.

We maintain a steadfast commitment to respecting the confidentiality of speeches and information entrusted to us. Adhering to a strict code of ethics, we guarantee a professional and dependable service.

Why choose our

Consecutive interpretation services?

  • We have extensive experience in interpreting and consecutive interpretation.
  • Our team has specialized training in various fields.
  • We exhibit adaptability for various environments and events.
  • We comprise a team of professional bilingual interpreters.
  • We ensure an authentic rendering of the intention and tone of the speech.
  • We prioritize respecting confidentiality and professional standards.

At Premarketing, our mission is to facilitate communication within multilingual environments, ensuring that every message is delivered with accuracy and professionalism. For more information and to discuss your specific requirements, please feel free to contact us.

At Translator SRL, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality remote interpretation services tailored to your unique needs.

Contact us for more information and to discuss how we can support your projects.

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The ideal solution for everyday events

Over-the-Phone Interpretation Services (OPI) by Premarketing

Over-the-phone interpretation services (OPI) provided by Premarketing offer an optimal solution for everyday events. OPI presents the easiest and quickest way to access professional services, regardless of your location. Whether it's a doctor’s appointment, a banking session, or a crucial business call, an over-the-phone interpreter can significantly enhance communication efficiency and save your valuable time.

As a language services provider, we comprehend the paramount importance of fluent communication in today's world and consistently endeavour to offer innovative solutions tailored to meet your distinct requirements. Over-the-phone interpretation constitutes a form of consecutive interpretation wherein the interpreter listens to the speaker and subsequently conveys the translated message.

Premarketing’s team comprises bilingual professionals, adept in various fields, ensuring seamless and precise communication between diverse parties. We stand ready to deliver OPI services across an extensive spectrum of sectors, spanning healthcare, legal, business, and technology.

Over-the-phone interpretation serves as an excellent solution for emergency situations, such as unforeseen medical or legal discussions. Additionally, OPI obviates the necessity for travel, thereby saving time and cutting associated costs. All that's required is a functional phone and a stable signal.

Need the services of a reliable over the phone interpreter?

With our over the phone interpretation services, we’ll help you overcome linguistic barriers and communicate smoothly. Just send us your request and we’ll put you in touch with our project managers!

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